Recycling: Are You Doing It Right?

As consumers, we buy goods and products not only because we want them but also because we need them. But while meeting our needs is indisputably necessary, we often overlook the equally important responsibility of disposing of our trash once those needs are met.

Creating products from materials we would otherwise throw away gives these items a new purpose, which is what household recycling is all about. Just by doing this, you’ve already helped the goals of sustainable development and environmental protection.

But the ever-changing information on the proper ways to recycle at home has confused many people over the years. As a result, homeowners often throw away waste products they can’t recycle, and what most people put in the blue recycling bin can’t be recycled either.

If at this time, you’re still figuring out what can be recycled and how to do it the right way, this article can help you.

The Blue Bin is not for Trash

There are several essential points to remember when recycling at home, but the most important one is to treat the blue bin as something other than a waste stream. It helps to assign a recycling corner at home to separate the general waste from the recyclables. Below you will find what can be recycled at home and what cannot.

Recyclables at Home

The list shows the most common materials for household recycling:

1. Mixed paper & card

· Junk mail and postcards

· Newspapers, magazines, and flyers

· Greetings cards without glitter

· Paper Scraps

Mixed paper & card - Dumpster Rental College Station TX
Cartons - Dumpster Rental Brenham TX

2. Cartons

· Milk and juice cartons

· Food cartons

3. Food tins and drinks cans

· Food tins and jar lids

· Aluminum foil

· Drinks cans

Food tins and drinks cans - Dumpster Rental Bryan TX
Mixed glass - Dumpster Rental Conroe TX

4. Mixed glass

· Jars and non-food bottles

· Bottles of any color

5. Plastic packaging

· Drinks bottles

· Shampoo and deodorant bottles

· Standard cleaning bottles

· Ice cream containers

Plastic packaging - Dumpster Rental Huntsville TX

Non-Recyclable Items

Below are some of those that cannot be recycled:

· Food waste

· Food-tainted items like used paper plates or boxes

· Disposable napkins

· Medical and garden wastes

· Styrofoam

· Coffee cups

· Ceramics, kitchenware, and ovenware

· Windows and mirrors

· Plastic and bubble wraps

· Oil and wax boxes

· Chemically hazardous containers

Bubble Wraps - Dumpster Rental College Station TX
Disposable napkins - Dumpster Rental College Station TX
Styrofoam - Dumpster Rental College Station TX

Learn How to Properly Dispose of Household Hazardous Waste

Best Recycling Practices

Recycling is a waste management solution that is convenient and cost-effective while ensuring the protection of the environment. The onset of the recycling journey begins once the correct item is placed in the blue bin.

However, it’s more complex than it seems since standard quality materials from recyclables take a few polishing first before they’re ready to serve their second purpose. Here are some best practices to follow:

· Rinse and remove food residue from aluminum foils and cans, glass bottles, jars, and containers

· Remove plastic caps and lids from plastic containers and mix glass

· Separate newspapers, magazines, and catalogs in a tied bundle or place them in paper grocery bags

· Do away with double-bagging recyclable items

· Recycle only the clean parts of a pizza box

· Remove labeling tapes from the packaging

· Recycle electronic waste items at an e-waste recycling center, not within your household

· Remove non-recyclable waste like Styrofoam from containers

· Plastic bags are processed separately in particular bins at grocery stores

Always check the local requirements for more detailed and updated recycling practices in your area.

Recycling Etiquette

Recycling is one of the most creative and environmentally friendly ways to repurpose old items. However, some items in the house end up being wasted and contaminated by other items discarded in the trash. Identifying what can be recycled and making it a habit to clean the items beforehand will help you avoid this problem.

Find a Residential Dumpster Service

In our plastic-filled world, segregating and recycling appears to be a daily challenge, primarily if we aim to be conscious of our environmental impact. But the timetable for waste management practices can be very energy consuming, even for household recycling. And, with constricting schedules, this responsibility is often being side-tracked. Good thing there are residential dumpster services available to help you with all your recycling needs.

Budget-Friendly Dumpster Rental in Montgomery, TX

Budget-Friendly Dumpster Rental in Montgomery TX

If you are searching for an all-around and affordable dumpster rental service provider around College Station, look no further! College Station Dumpster Rental is renowned for its superior service in collecting garbage, junk, yard waste, and even construction debris safely. No big talk – just really good waste disposal services that solve your waste management needs!

We offer temporary and permanent dumpster assistance, ideal for waste collection with all types of clean-ups. We are experts in the dumpster rental business, offer reasonable fees that fit your budget, and have an excellent reputation in and around the College Station area.

Learn more about how our team simplifies dumpster rentals, whether it’s for residential or commercial disposal. Call us at 979-705-7188 and experience first-hand quality service in your various dumpster projects.